Are you looking for a free used Appliance pickup near me in Tampa?

                                                        Free Appliance Pickup removal Tampa

Did you recently buy a new washer dryer set and would like to get rid of the old one? If you’re located in Hillsborough county, let us help you with our Free appliance pick removal service!


If you’re tired of that old, washer and dryer set taking up space in your home our free appliance pickup and recycling service is here to take those old appliances and/or scrap metals off your hands and move them away in an environmentally-friendly manner. We’ll even haul them away for you at no cost!

Our recycling process makes sure that any reusable materials are salvaged and repurposed, reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

So why wait? Call our number, 813-551-3132, today to schedule your free appliance pickup today and start enjoying a clutter-free home while making a positive impact on the environment in your own community. Please visit our website, for more details.

Free Appliance Pickup and Removal Event in Tampa Fl

Attention Tampa Bay residents! Would you like to get rid of those old appliances, like washers and dryers or refrigerators and stove range that may be taking up too much space in your home or business? Are you concerned about the environmental impact of throwing these away? Well, we’ve got some great news for you! 

Join us for our free appliance pick and recycling event near me in the Tampa Bay area! Simply bring your appliances to our recycling drop off location or you can also call us to schedule your free appliance pick up at 813-551-3132. Our team of experts will handle the rest! We will remove your old appliances and bring them back to our designated drop-off location at 8708 N Nebraska Ave, Tampa, FL 33604 Or stop by anytime, Monday-Saturday from 9am-5pm. And Remember that if you wanted to drop off appliances after hours, you could just drop them off on the side of our building.

Not only will you be getting rid of your old appliances for free, but you’ll also be doing your part in helping the environment in our community. Our team will ensure that each appliance is recycled properly, so you can feel good about your contribution to sustainability.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to clean out your home and make a positive impact on the environment. looking forward to seeing you soon!

Free Appliance Pickup removal Tampa